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The copyright owner has the right to change the content of the company's website at any time without prior notice. The copyright owner does not guarantee that the information displayed on this website is complete information or the latest data. All pictures (including but not limited to illustrations, perspectives, design drawings etc.), models, text descriptions, etc. on this website are for reference only and are not any commitment or offer of the company.
The introduction of information about its development projects on the website is subject to the final approval documents of the government. The relationship between the buyer and seller of commercial housing shall be subject to the signing of the sale contract by the parties.The copyright owner and the developer shall not bear any responsibility for any loss caused by the transaction due to this website or relying on its content.
在ESG方面,万纬在上海临港打造了首个零碳示范园区,园区布置屋顶分布式光伏电站,通过本地可再生能源供应抵消园区运营中的碳排放,能够实现运营阶段零碳排放。该案例入选生态环境部宣传教育中心与大道应对气候变化促进中心(C Team)联合发布的《2022企业气候行动案例集》,并亮相联合国气候变化大会(COP27),是唯一入选的物流行业案例。园区还获得德国莱茵 TÜV 大中华区携手英国建筑研究院颁发的首个国内物流园区净零碳建筑认证项目,并获得 LEED铂金级预认证。