The content of the company's website is the copyrighted documents of VX Logistics, and the documents on the website are only used for the display of corporate image information and non-commercial purposes, and no individual, unit or organization is authorized to copy or publish them on any network or any media.
The copyright owner has the right to change the content of the company's website at any time without prior notice. The copyright owner does not guarantee that the information displayed on this website is complete information or the latest data. All pictures (including but not limited to illustrations, perspectives, design drawings etc.), models, text descriptions, etc. on this website are for reference only and are not any commitment or offer of the company.
The introduction of information about its development projects on the website is subject to the final approval documents of the government. The relationship between the buyer and seller of commercial housing shall be subject to the signing of the sale contract by the parties.The copyright owner and the developer shall not bear any responsibility for any loss caused by the transaction due to this website or relying on its content.
中国融通房地产集团有限公司于2019年组建成立,致力于打造具备城市配套综合运营能力的一流不动产管理公司。融通地产旗下“融链”是专注仓储物流领域投资、开发与运营服务品牌。以国家物流枢纽承载城市和国家骨干冷链网络为布局切入点,规划建设高质量、高效率、高标准的 “一仓两链三基地 。目前首批项目已覆盖全国 20 余个城市。